Order of Christian Initiation of Adults(OCIA)
Who can attend OCIA?
Anyone! But there are typically three types of people who attend OCIA: the un-baptized, baptized non-Catholic Christians, and baptized Catholics who have not received the rite of Confirmation. There are always situations that we cannot anticipate, so if you do not fit these categories, contact us and we will help.
Why can’t someone just join the Catholic Church right now? And without all this OCIA stuff? Have you ever been in love? Have you ever seen someone in love? Have you ever wanted to be in love? Then you know love takes time. Even love at first sight.
The Catholic Church wants you to fall in love, and not just with the Church, but with God, with Christ Jesus, with the whole of His beauty and grace. The Church believes that to be Christian is to open one’s own heart toward a spousal/marital relationship with God. After all, why does God constantly refer to us as His bride and Himself as THE bridegroom (c.f. Is. 49:18; Is. 62:5; Jer. 2:2; Eph. 5; Rev. 21:9-10)?
In a way, OCIA is like dating. It is the time in which you come to know God better. You come to learn more about Him who made you. You come to fall in love with the one who loves you the most.
In OCIA, the once a week meeting is your date with God (this is the "Inquiry" phase). If the first months fair well and there is still interest, then you move to a more "exclusive" relationship which simply takes the relationship more seriously with intentionality behind it (this is the "Catechumenate" phase). Finally, you reach the stage of engagement. Like a good boyfriend (hang with me on this one girls), you ask your girlfriend's father for his blessing to marry her which corresponds to the Rite of Election where you receive the blessing of the Archbishop to become Catholic. The day finally comes where the two become one flesh which is the day you are received into the Holy Catholic Church and thus become mysteriously wedded to Christ Himself which is consummated by receiving Holy Communion.
Why can’t you just join the Catholic Church, right now, this very moment? Joining the Catholic Church is not like joining a club. It is making a commitment, just as you make a commitment to the people you love. A lover wants to love as best and wonderfully as s/he can. Don’t you want to love Him, the most Tremendous Lover, as best and wonderfully as you can?
What do I need to do to join OCIA?
If you are interested, then all you have to do is fill out our OCIA Form to the left and we will get you started or contact the parish office at 303-494-7572.
More information can be found at: Right of Christian Initiation for Adults - Evangelization and Family Life Ministries (archden.org)