How does one find healing from a past abortion? For the many women and men who feel alone with their unspoken pain; you are not alone. There are others who understand your feelings; many who have stories just like your own and are willing to walk with you as you come to find the peace you long for. Support is available and crucial in the healing process.
Many crisis pregnancy centers located throughout the country have post-abortion support groups or one-on-one counseling available. To find the center nearest you, please search "Abortion Alternatives" on the internet.
The Memorial Wall for the Unborn adds another piece to the healing process as women and men name their children and place a plaque of remembrance in their memory. Much healing can be attained by remembering them in a visible and tangible way. Sacred Heart of Mary's Memorial Wall is affiliated with the National Memorial fo the Unborn in Chattanooga, TN. When a plaque is ordered for our Memorial Wall in Boulder, the order goes through the National Memorial site as they make all of our plaques.
To place an order, please follow the directions on our How To Order page to the left. For questions regarding the status of an order, for help in ordering, or to speak with someone regarding the loss of an unborn child, please call 303-494-7572 x256 and leave a message. Messages are checked daily and all calls are confidential.
Websites are listed and linked below for additional information about obtaining help for healing from an abortion.
Relevant Web Links